Sunday, July 31, 2011

DSM 5 Uh-Oh.

The British Psychological Society (BPS) is a highly esteemed organization representing 50,000 members. Recently, it released an open letter to the American Psychiatric Association offering a harshly critical view of DSM 5. Most of the BPS criticisms are right on target, accurately pointing out the dangerous excesses of DSM 5. But some are so overly broad that the cogent points get lost in the shuffle, allowing the DSM 5 leadership to be archly dismissive of the entire letter. This is unfortunate because the BRS warning deserves serious consideration as we approach the endgame of DSM 5 decision making.
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Credits: Psychology Today
Photo Credit: The 21st Floor

Eyebrows Psychology Today

Have you ever wondered how important eyebrows are? Well Psychology Today asked that question and explained the importance in this article

Check it Out:  "The Real Purpose of Eyebrows?"


Are Angry Women More Like Men?

This article reported by Science Daily is very interesting.  It shows the results of two studies that tested the effect of perception in men and women. Read to find out more!


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